Chicago Federation of Labor

We honor Rose for her CFL involvement, media coverage and recognitions.

(Click on any of the articles to see them enlarged with the text more visible. Use the “Back” browser to return to this page when done viewing.)

Federation News

May 4th, 1987 Rose Daylie was elected Vice President for the Chicago Federation of Labor (CFL), by their Executive Board! Rose was the first African American Women elected to the Executive Board!!!






Rose Daylie elected President of CFL. She was the first AFSCME member to serve on the board, and the first African American Women on the Executive Board.







Full CFL Executive Board




1988 Federation News Article with photo of Officers & Executive Board Members of Chicago Federation of Labor (CFL). Rose Daylie about center in the photo.











Reverand Jesse Jackson Sr. Congratulates Rose via Western Union Mailgram. Thank you Reverend Jessie!






Full Rewards Speech




1990 Article about Rose’s speech, remarks and award acceptance!