Rose’s Story Started in Chicago, IL

She is a phenomenal woman who’s raised four children as a single parent, leaving them with lasting memories of victory and success! 

Her Story Is Important

In it’s central facts, it represents the common experience of millions of women who are members of the labor movement.

Her Record as a Trade Unionist Was Impressive

Her career with AFSCME began when she was employed in the Dietary Departmet at Chicago Reed Mental Health Center.  In 1976 she was elected President of local 1610.

When She was Elected President of Statewide Council 31 of AFSCME, at that time it was the state's largest public employees Union

She presided over the executive board, the policy making  body of the Union. AFSCME represented 43,000 plus state employees at that time, was well as local government and university employees across Illinois.

Black United Fund of Illionis (BUFI) Interviews Rose Daylie

Rose Daylie so eloquently tells her story of strength, love, passion and commitment. Hear how she started and is finishing her race and the stepping stones that motivated her along the way. You don’t want to miss this intriguing and motivational piece!